Animal Frequency: Connecting with the Animal Kingdom

By Debra Moffitt

Do you love animals? Some people treat them as dumb or less intelligent than we are, but they idella-maeland-19069possess an incredible capacity to communicate messages and help us if we learn how. Many of us address animals using words. English, French, or whatever language we may speak. But the best way to connect with animals is through images and thought, according to animal communicator and author of “Animal Frequency”, Melissa Alvarez.

Animals are “peaceful, soulful, and offer lessons that can bring us balance and allow spiritual growth,”she writes. And they can teach us lessons. Frequency and being attuned to an animals vibration is different than looking solely at the shamanic messages they may offer. Alvarez describes an easy way to communicate with pets or wild animals. As an intuitive, she experiences the energy connections between us and says that we can create a sort of bridge of energy to the animal we wish to communicate with.

It’s possible to set an intention and offer an invitation to the animal you wish to connect with. Meet them half way by sending out your energy intention to them and then inviting them to come and connect with you. It’s an invitation and not a forced connection. The experience can be subtle and very powerful. Alvarez describes how she uses this method to work with her horses by sending images and thoughts. She affirms the mental images and messages with words to reassure them like, “You’re fine.”

Discover more about this process of animal communication in our conversation on my UnityFM radio show, “Divinely Inspired Living.

Have you had incredible experiences connecting with animals? Please share them with us below.

Copyright, Debra Moffitt, Divinely Inspired Living Media LLC, 2017. No portion of this blog post may be recopied, reused or reprinted without prior written permission of it author.


  1. I think animals are far more complex than we give them credit. I don’t have any incredible experiences, I just had many different pets as a child: chicks, goats, dogs… Now we only own a bunny and he is such a kind, joyful little fellow.

  2. After the death of my cat SImba, who lived with us for 16 years, I began to have communications. It is a wonderful and enriching experience! I never had training, although I am a trained angel card reader and have had mediumship skills since childhood, it is a natural progression for me. Great bog Debra!

  3. Love this post about animal communications. I live in an area where many people have horses. Often, when I’m riding my bike, whenever I pass a horse I offer a love/heart connection just to show my love and respect. My son, who is only 15, has already claimed the wolf as his animal totem after having had a dream a couple of years back that he was a wolf. I love that he is so young and already feeling so connected to the animal world. I love your message and reminder that we have so much to learn from our non-human friends. 🙂

  4. I love animals. I was born an animal lover and taught my whole family to love them. My pets, past and present, often communicate with me through dreams. Love reading your post and I am excited to try some of the communications you mentioned.

  5. I have always loved animals and felt deeply connected to them. I am blessed to share my life with Lilly my darling dog with whom I communicate regularly, and all the animals that I connect with on my daily walks and in my garden. I am so grateful for the love and messages I receive.

  6. I had an unusual experience today, I connected with an orangutan at the zoo. In my mind I asked to connect with one of them and within a few seconds he came up to the glass and was looking directly at me with its lips puckered up. I was stunned and my heart was racing. I was able to connect with a few more animals after that. Can this book help me to develop this gift??

    • Hi Lisa, This book is good for understanding the messages and energy of animals encountered. It’s a good book. You may want to check into a book on animal communicators. It sounds like you may have a natural gift. Kind thoughts to you.

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